Onastaa - Finished!

Profile picture for user Xiwo Xerase
Offset view of 02060 Onastaa

I started and completed Onastaa (made by Reaper Miniatures, catalog number 02060) in April 2020.  Ever since the Reaper MSP Bones paints came out, I had wanted to use one of the greenish blues as a basecoat.  With Onastaa, I got my chance.  I believe this is one of my best miniatures to date.

This mini also represents other firsts:

  • This was the first time I applied lessons from Reaper Miniature's Toolbox and Pro Tips Twitch streams.  In particular, the core of her skin tone and using Reaper MSP 09078 Surf Aqua as a highlight for her dress came from those streams.
  • This was the first time I seriously used color references.  Her hair colors were matched first to a piece of 2D art and then to a picture in The Atlas of Beauty.  The colors for the head of her staff were matched to a picture of a golden Egyptian artifact.

The areas of improvement I can identify are:

  • The NMM on the head of the staff
  • The basing

For anyone who would like to try to reproduce these results:

  • I only used Reaper paints.
  • The midtone colors are italicized.
  • All sections use 09136 Walnut Brown for the deepest shadows.  Most sections use 09061 Linen White for the highest highlights.  The only exceptions are the NMM and the gems, which used 09039 Pure White.
  • Skin: 09026 Violet Red, 09232 Bright Skin Shadow, 09068 Rosy Skin, 09688 Peppermint White
  • Hair and staff: 09441 Ruddy Flesh, 09490 Bugbear Fur, 09075 Buckskin Pale
  • Robe: 09423 Styx Purple, 09419 Tropical Blue, 09078 Surf Aqua
  • Robe Trim: 09142 Stained Ivory, 09143 Yellowed Ivory, 09144 Creamy Ivory
  • Cloak: 09137 Blackened Brown, 09199 Russet Brown, 09200 Harvest Brown, 09201 Orange Brown
  • Staff and clasp NMM: 09138 Intense Brown, 09074 Palomino Gold, 09144 Creamy Ivory
  • Gems: 09136 Walnut Brown to 09039 Pure White, with various amounts of 09096 Clear Green mixed in
  • Lining and runes in robe trim: 09064 Brown Liner

This miniature is available from Reaper Miniatures.

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